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Deurbanization: The Economics of beauty and serenity

Updated: Jan 20

Urbanization gained momentum in the Maldives from early 70s. From 1960 to early 70s, only 11.23% of the Maldivian population was urban. By 2021, it had passed over 41.10%. Perhaps, the fastest urbanization rate in the world during the period.


Interestingly, Maldives become the most urbanised country in the region in 61 years while it was the most rural country in 1960. India’s urban population in 1960 was 17.92% while that of Sri Lanka 16.43%


The sheer pace of the urbanisation in Maldives led to unprecedented consequences and unimaginable constraints, here in one of the freest societies on earth.



The Maldives is heralded as a development success. There is no denying that. But then, is it not fair to believe that that Maldives development model had the worse impact on social and cultural capital, at least when compared with neighbouring Sri Lanka and India. Where are our palaces, fortresses, mosques, stupas and alike. What happened to our ancestral home, where are our friends who grew up together. Why is there such a high level of income and wealth inequality?


Where is my peace. Every day I keep thinking, is there a greater manifestation other than the island of Male’ of ugliness of traded social and cultural capital for economic development? Male’, a beautiful Maldivian Island, just like any other in the Maldives, has become literally a 24/7 factory. It has lost its beauty, history, and its architectural heritage, inundated by inward immigration, making the country less resilient and more vulnerable to external economic shocks in addition to the long-term social costs.


If we allow for business as usual, the same factors that led to the demise of the beauty of Male’, will slowly spread to the rest of our islands; some would feel the impact sooner than others. But eventually all will be consumed by the same fate. Without sensible human-centric central planning and out-of-box thinking would this place we call home be the sunny side of life for us?


If we allow for business as usual, the same factors that led to the demise of the beauty of Male’, will slowly spread to the rest of our islands; some would feel the impact sooner than others. But eventually all will be consumed by the same fate. Without sensible human-centric central planning and out-of-box thinking would this place we call home be the sunny side of life for us?

The Maldives is expecting a target of 8 million tourist arrivals by the next 5 years; highly possible in an industry of over USD 9 Trillion with the fastest growth rate. There will not only be added impact on our natural environment, but on our physical environment too.


It is inevitable that space for commercial and residential use will be created somewhere, in some other island. But then, it should be done in a way that is most efficient and effective.


Here is my proposition. In the race for creating new space, shouldn’t we actively think of vertical development, instead of horizontal development, and being forced into the same fate that befell Male’? Planed vertical development would certainly enhance the aesthetic appeal of the Islands, create space for future development and avoid the destructive effect of dredging and reclamation at least. It can also decrease the cost of public infrastructure per unit basis and become conducive for the development of transport systems that are sustainable. At least conceptually, I see that vertical development would be less costly and better from a valuation point of view. After all beauty is all what we pay for!


Perhaps, the idea of horizontal organization of space may have stemmed from a time when our economic system was purely based on subsistence fishing and agriculture, without a need for a stationary settlement.  We have seen how agglomeration happens; we have seen that it cannot be stopped. We know the new factors that affect human movement, settlements and habitats, which were unknown during the time of initial establishment of permanent settlements. Shouldn't we therefore, not start with a clean slate to develop our own space for us and for those to come after us, as a livable and sustainable places of abode?


Taking into the trajectory of economic development, weather we believe it or not, “agrarian phase” for Maldives is long gone. The Maldives is entering into another phase of economic development, - industry, services, knowledge and innovation. Let us not let enslave ourselves into vile living conditions in a country with such natural endowments to lead a life of sustainability. Let us not constrain our country of its natural progression into shared prosperity by our own ignorance, greed and inaction. Let us look at our islands with a clean state to create space that are sustainable, liveable and loveable, and build an economic system that is sustainable and appropriate for a country like Maldives.


Let us look at our islands with a clean state to create space that are sustainable, liveable and loveable, and build an economic system that are sustainable and appropriate for a country like Maldives.

Let’s make deurbanization natural just like the urbanisation. This time with design and beauty as the central focus.


Maldives Economy Today | Issue 2 Vol. 1

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